Send Messages To Church In One Go With a Mass Calling and Texting Service

Using cell phones and text for church correspondence was once regarded as a kind of irreverent, even disrespectful, thing. Now, for most of our audiences, it is so 'second nature' that if you don't pursue the opportunity, the church will miss out on a significant way for the members to become more associated with their families and Jesus.

What Is PastorsLine?

PastorsLine is one of the leading tools built for churches to help pastors and church leaders manage church operations—be it communication, analysis, or administrative management,  this tool can help you with everything. Today, we are going to discuss one of the most admired features of the software - Text messaging service. 

PastorsLine has a strong infrastructure and backend which enables them to provide the best text messaging service to pastors or church leaders.  The PastorsLine platform includes a cloud-based text and voice framework that allows you to quickly create your database. Then, you choose from fun and creative ways to communicate with church members and even first-time visitors. The application can be easily downloaded onto your mobile as well as onto your laptop.

However, PastorsLine, a well-managed, web interface that helps small churches interact with the followers, also offers vocal messages as well as text.  

Key Highlights Of PastorsLine

Autoresponder messages—Better than digital connect cards, 'connect texts' are an easy way to automatically capture personal data using a human touch.

Text and non-text options—Voice messaging and voice mail features are available, including forwarding to your personal phone number. But you can also answer the ringing telephone and have a daily conversation. With both the options available, we make sure to indulge both types of people - those who love to text and those who are not a fan of texting. 

Integrations—PastorsLine integrates with church communication platforms (ChMS) that you possibly already use. Using a PastorsLine integration gives you a fully digital network with no holes. Collected information will be automatically sent to different groups or lists. Thus, automated systems or team members get access to the information they need without waiting for anyone else to send them an email. When you have programs that converse with each other, you can optimize your time while eliminating mistakes, reducing disappointment among volunteers, and preventing visitors from falling through the cracks along the way.

Data monitoring—Advanced data-captured analytics can increase the efficacy of your decisions. Overall, the collection of user-specific data is a method for managing simple/complex campaigns + community vs. person contact.

List management—You, your team, and your audience have the requisite controls to create safe messaging experiences. Blocking, opting in, and opting out of security features are included.

Multinumbers—You can have more than one local, 10-digit PastorsLine number (long code). This means your ministry team members can have more than one specific number and greater flexibility to scale up your personalized contact while using the PastorsLine mass calling and texting service. In short, your church has the capacity to build better partnerships.


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