
Showing posts from November, 2021

Long Future For Shortcode Keywords

No matter what you’ve heard, shortcode keywords are still a very relevant way for your church members and first-time guests to opt in to your ministry campaigns and events. Aren’t the mobile carriers stopping their support of short codes? Not exactly. Regular short codes (unique to an organization—not used by anyone outside of that organization) will stay. Shared short codes (bought by one organization and shared with other organizations) are being phased out. The reason that the mobile carriers are stopping the use of shared short codes is the change to A2P 10DLC (Application to Person, 10-Digit Long Code): a more spam-free, texting system with less carrier filtering. Once the new system is in place, shared short codes will no longer be used. However, shortcode keywords will still be relevant. Our ministry is using a shared short code. If shared short codes are discontinued, how could shortcode keywords still be relevant?   Glad you asked. The answer is shared, high throughput, ve...